Thursday, August 9, 2007

Final Reflection

What do you notice about what you were paying attention to?

Look for patterns or themes in your thinking, look for similarities ordifferences in the kinds of questions you were asking?

Looking back on the course, I came into it not really sure what to expect. Not coming from a purely Science or Math background, it was nice to see different perspectives. However, I did pay attention to what connections were made throughout the course. I discovered that education is education, no matter what subject. Therefore, it was easy to transfer different background knowledge and experiences with the various readings and assignments. I definitely noticed a reocurring theme throughout the course and the MET so far - constructivist learning. The shift towards scaffolding students allows them to explore and participate in relevant activities. This is truly a positive direction that education is heading. In terms of working with my peers in the project, I must have to say that it was a wonderful experience. The group communicated well and worked collaboratively. Moreover, everyone was respectful of each other and were open to new ideas. This is an example of how a group should work in a project. All-in-all, I have a great time.

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