Monday, June 4, 2007

Interview Questions

1] In regards to technology, what have you observed in the classroom that can be considered positive learning experiences for the students? Have there been any negative experiences? Please describe both the positive and negative experiences.

2] How do you implement and integrate technology into the mathematics classroom? Is it being used daily or intermittently?

3] There has been debate as to the level of support teachers are receiving for technology in the classroom. In terms of hardware, software and training, do you feel that you have been properly supported?

4] Please estimate the following percentages of your “technology time”. By “technology time”, I mean the total amount of time that you spend engaged with some aspect of technology related to your teaching environment (very broad definition, so there is room for your interpretation).

5] Do you feel that technogadgets (iPods, cell phones, etc.) have any place in a learning environment?

6] Are equality issues prevalent with the use of technology in your classroom? (Does it benefit some students more than the others, or leave some students behind?)

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